Agroleaf Liquid | F3 Surf Active

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F3 SurfActive technology for improved foliar applications

Growing plants and crops without stress is the objective of each farmer. However, in our daily work we know that many factors can create stress situations. With normal nutrition via the roots a plant will get the majority of the required nutrients, however in cases when the root system is not functioning optimally or nutrition via the soil is malfunctioning, foliar feeding is a solution.
Agroleaf® Liquid is a new range of liquid foliar fertilizers for arable crops, vegetables and fruit. The new in-house technology ICL uses in the Agroleaf Liquid is the F3 surfactive technology. F3 is a specific blend of non-ionic surfactants which improve the efficiency of the sprayed solution via:
1. Better spreading: The F3 technology lowers the droplet surface tension and spreads nutrients optimally over the leaves. This results in a greater covered area for nutrient uptake.
2. Better adhesiveness: Better water droplet adhesion to the leaf surface reduces runoff and bounce-off, and increases nutrient availability, especially on waxy leaves.
3. Better retention: The F3 technology enables the formation of small nutrient deposits on the leaf surface that are reactivated by rewetting (e.g. by high air humidity). This avoids droplet evaporation and provides prolonged nutrition for improved foliar applications.